Saturday, 25 February 2012

Through Their Eyes . . .

"To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
Elliott Erwitt

This drawer full of cutlery has some stories to tell . . . there's some that I chose, some that we've inherited - from parents and grandparents. There's little embroidered doilies in each little segment - treasures from my Nan. This cutlery is used when we sit around the table each week for "Family Dinner Night". They've been used for all sorts of meals - old favourites and trying new recipes. Meals that we've laughed through, solved worries through, shared stories through. When I look at this picture I see utensils for eating . . . but I also see all those memories, the love and the laughter. This picture the shows me "something interesting in an ordinary place".

Recently we (me, our daughter and her partner) have been using Instagram on our phones. What I have loved about this experience has been what they have captured from their perspective of different aspects of our home . . .

like this tree fern - in a garden bed which needs some work . . . but I see the beauty and the lushness from this perspective.

And this view from the workshop window . . .

I love the moodiness of this picture. It made me look past the things I usually see, like the grass that needs mowing, and the shrubs that need trimming. And see the "something interesting".

When these pictures were taken we were all looking at the same things, but all seeing them differently. So thanks to my fellow "Instagramers" for showing me my world with fresh eyes.


beecee said...

Great post Sue. So interesting isn't it how looking through the lens changes one's perspective. I was thinking yesterday of doing a series of paired photos. Zoomed in and out - detail and context. Kind of a metaphor for how to understand each other.

Stephani said...

Sue, I so enjoy reading your blog and love the photography. I too just started using InstaGram and love it. Changes a simple photo into a masterpiece. Thanks for sharing part of your story through photos.

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